Bring me the head of Johann Sebastian Bach


Awhile back, Ann Mason—then-exec-director of the Renaissance & Baroque Society of Pittsburgh—and I thought it would be screamingly funny to create a promotional bobblehead of the august Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach.  And, by George, we were right—it is funny!

Here’s what I envisioned:


One of the rbsp board members, Joy Troetschel, has some expertise in getting merchandise manufactured, and knew of a bobblehead factory in China who could produce our little statuette.  What follows are some images from the correspondence I shared with the talented sculptors who created a brilliant little 3D clay caricature of Bach from the sketches I sent.

Bach Head Clay 1

Bach Head Clay 2

Bach Head Clay 3

Bach Head Clay 4

Bach Body Clay 6

And here’s the prototype.  They even airbrushed a nice 5 o’clock shadow onto JSB’s cheeks!

Bach Colour Revision 3

If you’d like one of these timeless treasures, visit the rbsp website—they’re modestly priced and benefit the Society.

9 replies
  1. Melvin
    Melvin says:

    Oh, he bears the last name of my father. Wow. My great grandfather was from Prussia. He was Damian Bach. I do not know if he tracks his genealogy in my ancestry. Well, Who knows? John Bach seems so interesting. Wow!

    • johnmanders
      johnmanders says:

      Mi dispiace, Domenico. Purtroppo, abbiamo fatto i Bach bobblehead per una propaganda quasi dieci anni fa e non sono disponibili più. Cliq a di tanto in tanto. Si puo vederlo ogni tanto. —John


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