
The Year Without a Santa Clause

by Phyllis McGinley

The elves, the reindeer and the children  around the world are upset when Santa Claus unhitches his sleigh and vows he is taking a holiday. But one boy comes to Santa’s rescue. “Santa deserves a holiday,”  he says. “It’s a day to give as well as to get.” And so the children send presents to  Santa—and their kindness makes him so  happy that he jumps into his sled and away  he goes on his Christmas journey!
Ages: 6 to 9 years

Jack and the Giant Barbecue

by Eric A. Kimmel

Jack’s late daddy once made the the best barbecue in West Texas, until a giant stole his recipe book. Jack is determined to find that greedy old giant and get those recipes back! With a little bit of strength, the help of an unlikely jukebox, and a whole lot of luck, Jack outwits the giant and opens his own barbecue shack.

Let’s Have a Tree Party

What could be better than friends together at a party in a tree? All of the forest critters will be there: the squirrel, raccoons, possums, frogs, birds, mice, and more. Even the slimy slugs are sure to slither in for the food, games, music, and dancing, And don’t forget Baby Bear – that little clown will be there for sure!

The Really Awful Musicians

Once upon a time music sounded so bad that the king decreed a ban on musicians. Each one by himself wasn’t so bad, but when one’s too fast, one’s too slow, one’s too loud and one’s too quiet, together they sounded really awful. Get ready for hungry crocodiles, mail-clad men-at-arms, a daring escape from the kingdom, five unharmonious musicians & a horse who invents musical notation!