My cousin’s kid the cop

Here’s more from Finnegan and Fox: The Ten-Foot Cop!

This scene shows New York’s Finest organizing a search for a lost little girl. My cousin’s son is a NYC cop, so naturally I had to put him in this picture or be kicked out of the family. You can see him at the bottom of the page. And here is a photo that includes his loving parents. As always: thumbnail sketch, tight pencil sketch, work-in-progress and final painting. Sorry the final looks so washed out. It looks much better in the book!

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  1. Mary Ann
    Mary Ann says:

    Wow thanks John! He looks so much like him…can’t wait for the book! It will coincide with his Sergeant’s Promotion Day ! Mary Ann 🙂


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  1. […] You can find Chris in Finnegan and Fox: The Ten-Foot Cop. […]

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