Lieutenant Blueberry

Here are a couple of panels I really like from L’Homme Qui Valait 500000$ (The Man Worth $500,000) drawn by Jean Giraud. This is one of the stories in the Blueberry collection.

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  1. Jerry Russell
    Jerry Russell says:

    Those are cool. I’m not familiar with Mr. Giraud’s work, but I think I should familiarize myself. I like the drawings. Do you know if those are colored with watercolor or marker, or digital ? Just curious. I’m guessing one of the former.

  2. johnmanders
    johnmanders says:

    These panels are from the early 70s, so definitely not digital. In the late 70s I freelanced for Neal Adams’ studio. Those guys used to get their inked pages printed in non-repro blue on Bristol board and also in black on acetate, same size with registration marks. They’d paint color on the board and drop the acetate overlay on top of it every so often to see how the whole thing looked. The printer would get the painted board to separate into 4 colors. The inked line work would be shot separately and combined with the black plate.


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