Illustrating in different languages

Steve from Mrs. Gallagher’s class asks:

How do you illustrate books in different languages?

The simple answer to that question is: I don’t. The manuscript that I receive from the publisher is always in English (remember, the manuscript is the story before it’s made into a book; the publisher is the company that makes the books).

Sometimes a book is popular enough that the publisher decides to try selling it in a different country.  When that happens, a translator is called in—someone who speaks both English and the language of the other country.  She sits down and reads the book in English then writes it down in the other language.  Next, the new manuscript needs to be set in type.  Finally, the English type is replaced with the new type and a new edition of the book is printed.

Here are two of my titles that were translated into different languages.  Dirt Boy got published in Korea, so you see a Korean translation.  Henry & the Crazed Chicken Pirates got translated into Greek and Danish.  I’m especially pleased with the treatment the Greek designer gave to the title type on Henry.

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