Really Awful color script

I’ve written about color scripts before—where I create one big color study that includes every page in a book.  I grabbed the idea from the animated movie world.  Color is a powerful tool for telling your story: setting the mood and indicating time of day.  In The Really Awful Musicians I wanted everything to take place in 24 hours, just like classical plays were plotted.  Oedipus Rex is one that comes to my mind—all the action takes only one day to happen.

The color script helped me to underscore that idea.  The first scenes explain how the king bans all music, then I introduce the musician Piffaro just as the sun is setting.  Off he goes on his wild nighttime escape from the kingdom, meeting another musician early next morning.  They in turn meet other musicians throughout the day; the plot resolves itself by late afternoon and the happy ending is in the castle that evening.

In my color script you can see little arrows I’ve drawn to show where the sun is shining his light on the scenes as the characters travel along.  All this is not meant to be important to reader—but by showing the passage of time I hope I’ve added a little bit of urgency to the story.

Jacket art color study

More of that jacket art for The Really Awful Musicians.  Before I begin my painting, I work up a small color study.

Scholastic Book Fair video

Thanks to my buddy Louise for finding this online!

Jacket art sketches for The Really Awful Musicians

Here are the thumbnail sketches for The Really Awful Musicians jacket art, and the tight sketch.

Stella’s chair comes to life!

My pal Jackie Mims Hopkins sends this photo of a wonderful story-reading chair straight out of Joe Bright and the Seven Genre Dudes!  It’s the handiwork of fabulous librarian Leanne Drake to celebrate Jackie’s school visit and an upcoming storytelling festival.  Nice job!  Here‘s an older post showing the chair illustration in progress.

Famous Nini at the Morris Graves Art Museum

My pal Mary Nethery sent this photo of my illustrations for The Famous Nini. They were exhibited at the Morris Graves Art Museum during the Humboldt County Author's Festival.  That's in California, isn't it? 

Mary read Nini to kids at two schools, and they loved it!

Artist/illustrator Eric Brooks admiring Nini!

Escaping the king’s men-at-arms

I like this pre-dawn scene from The Really Awful Musicians for its drama.  Illustration is just a form of graphic design.  Here I’ve used the elements of space, value & texture to get the most juice out of the image.  Color, too: the one sliver of orange intruding into the blue-black scene lends a feeling of expectancy for the new day.

Really awful character sketches

Here are sketches of most of the characters in Really Awful Musicians.  Piffaro is the little guy with the pipe & drum, Espresso the skinny dude playing a lute, Serena on harp, Fortissimo on sackbut and Lugubrio on bass recorder.  Piffaro is the Steady Eddie main character providing an anchor for the other extreme musicians who are too fast, too slow, too loud and too soft.

Really Awful press sheets

Holy cow—I just got these in the mail from Hong Kong!  These are the press sheets from The Really Awful Musicians.  There are 2 sheets, each with 16 pages (8 on each side).  Eight plus eight equals sixteen—two times sixteen is thirty-two.  That’s why a picture book is usually 32 pages long.