Bird gods very angry

That’s the title of my entry for the bird house auction, which will benefit the Allegheny Valley Trails Association.  Here are samples from 2009.  Artists around here are asked to paint a wooden bird house, which will be displayed somewhere  around Franklin or Oil City and finally auctioned during May Mart (at least I think that’s what happens).

I came up with a few different rough ideas before settling on a Tiki hut theme.  Maybe that’s because I’m yearning for warm weather!

0 replies
  1. Jerry Russell
    Jerry Russell says:

    Sweeeet!!! How fun is THAT!?!
    Looked at last year’s entries. Love the idea. Guess I have to paint a bird house or 2 to hang around my yard . . . or maybe start a local chapter to support a charitable cause. LOVE your Tiki House. 🙂 Although, I think it might scare the crap out of everything but Chickadees. Those little birdies are fearless!

  2. susette Jolley
    susette Jolley says:

    that just might discourage the possums from raiding the nest! I LOVE it!!! (You know, John, if you put tooo much peanut butter in their snacks, their little tongues stick to the roof of their little beaks, and it really does tick them off that way!)


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