The Examiner interview, Part 3

Right over here!

Feb/2012 PSInside

Get your copy here!

Part 2 of the Examiner interview

Here. interview

Part One of a 3-parter.

My Etsy shop

With the help of Hannah the intern, I’ve got a shop up and open for business on Etsy. I’m selling original paintings and drawings from books and projects you’ve read about here on the ol’ blog. Swing on over and fill up your shopping cart!

As You Like It art on tv

Here’s the Pittsburgh Public Theater As You Like It television spot.


Hanging Day!

Here are my friends Swan and Maureen helping me hang The Really Awful Musicians exhibit in a mere 4 hours!


Scholastic Book Fair video

Thanks to my buddy Louise for finding this online!

Pearls of wisdom

I’m quoted in Julie Danielson’s Kirkus article about illustrators who’ve become authors.  I even get to deliver the punchline.

I’ll be presenting at the Mazza Summer Institute

So here’s something from the Toledo Blade.