Tag Archive for: funding

More grants for early reading programs

As I mentioned yesterday, Target offers grant money to schools and organizations who need help with an early reading program. An early reading program might entail hiring a children’s book author/illustrator to present to students (he said rather shamelessly).

Dollar General also has a grant program for early literacy/youth development—as does Barbara Bush, Verizon, Scripps-Howard, and Clorox.

Here is a round-up of foundations who offer grant money for summer reading programs. Here are awards & grants available from the International Reading Association.

If you would like a detailed description of my presentations to help you apply for these grants, be sure to give me a yell!

For school librarians

In the March/April Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators Bulletin, Alexis O’Neill offers some tips for finding funding for school visits.  I can’t find an online version of the article, but she directs me to this link, which has some good information about organizing a school visit.